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Professional Nursing Resume

Professional Nursing Resume

Nursing is a difficult profession that requires ultimate attention and responsibility. A nurse helps patients through their difficult times and makes sure that they are cared for as well as administered the medication that is required for them to be healthy and fit again. While you may have a nursing degree and all the qualifications required to be a nurse, writing a professional nursing resume is another thing altogether. Maybe you are the best at your job, you know how to coordinate with other physicians, you have knowledge regarding advanced medications and have extensive care providence experience, but unless you know how to display yourself as the perfect candidate in a resume, you cannot impress the recruiter.

We provide professional nurse resume writing services for medical professionals in all areas and fields of nursing such as Intensive Care Nurses, Hospice Nurses, ER Nurses, OR Nurses, General Physicians, Clinical Research, and more. Medical or healthcare resumes require more attention than any other resume since they contain critical and technical information that cannot be missed out or written in the wrong way. A professional nursing resume not only shows your exceptional abilities and helps you attract more jobs at a well-known medical institution but also demonstrates all your key achievements and nursing skills that can help you get your dream job.

Just like you cannot administer medications to a patient without analyzing their illness first, you cannot start writing out a professional resume without picking a perfect template for it. Since nursing is a serious job that requires a professional resume, the template also needs to be professional. Half of the impact of any resume is its structuring, if you mention your work experience first before writing your name, the resume will be a disaster and the recruiter will not even read it before discarding it. This is why structuring is so important and must be considered before starting to write a resume. Use proper margins, leave standard margin spacing, use reverse chronological format, write standard section headings, and use professional fonts to make your nursing resume stand out and deliver!

A professional nurse’s resume must have the following sections included in it:

  • Full name and updated contact information.
  • Profile Summary that explains why you are perfect for the job and highlights your key achievements and accomplishments.
  • Work Experience with start and end date that includes your daily job responsibilities as well as achievements.
  • Education section with the degree title and name of the institute and your academic achievements like a 4. 0 or more CGPA or any academic awards.
  • Your most relevant Skills and Abilities as well as ATS-Optimized keywords.
  • Additional sections like Publications, Certifications, Awards, or Memberships add the extra sparkle to your professional resume.

Make sure you explain your previous job experience in a detailed manner so that your responsibilities and abilities are demonstrated perfectly. Even if there are some daily tasks that every nurse does and are a basic requirement for the job, you need to mention them in your resume at least once. Never assume that the recruiter has all the knowledge about your field instead write a resume by considering that the recruiter knows nothing about your job and you need to explain everything to them. Here is an example of what you must and must not do while writing the work experience section in your resume:

How to Write Work Experience:

  • Provide personalized patient and medical care to 25 patients on a daily basis.
  • Responsible for onboarding new staff members according to the hiring policies and standards as well as providing them with technical support and leadership.

How NOT to Write Work Experience:

  • Providing and caring for 25 patients.
  • Hiring new nurses and mentoring them.

By following the aforementioned correct example, it shows that you are an expert in your field who know all the nursing and healthcare terms and not a TV doctor who has no actual experience. However, if you are a fresh medical graduate or just starting out your first job, your nursing resume will be a little different because of your lack of experience.

For a fresh graduate or entry-level nursing resume, you need to highlight your skills and knowledge in a way that they take away the spotlight from your lack of experience. You can use the experience you gained at your house job, internship, volunteering or the tasks you performed under supervision during your education. Here is how to write a registered nurse resume with no previous work experience and what to avoid:

How to Write a Nurse Resume with No Work Experience:

Nursing Student

Institute name

Key Responsibilities:

  • Administer medication to the patient on the recommendation of senior nurses.
  • Prepare patients’ long-term healthcare plans under the direct supervision of senior doctors.
  • Create detailed patient reports by monitoring the health of the patient and recording their symptoms.

How NOT to Write a Nurse Resume with No Work Experience:


Institute name

Key Responsibilities:

  • Administered patients’ medication.
  • Planned healthcare plans for patients.

Prepared patients’ reports.

An entry-level nursing resume with little to no experience can be made to speak volumes if you learn to list the information the right way and explain your points with details using medical terminologies that a healthcare professional must know, however, do not go overboard and use medical jargon and acronyms that might make it difficult for the recruiter to understand your resume.

Another important thing that a medical resume must include is your registration or license number provided by the state. A recruiter should be able to easily spot this so make sure that you write your license number at the top to make it visible and prominent. Here is how to mention a registered nurse license number in a professional resume:

Registered Nurse, State, license #9030

At Conquer Resume, we believe that nursing and healthcare professionals are really compassionate people who put all their efforts into their work to provide the necessary medical care to all patients. Our professional resume writers know how to create perfect nursing resumes and we are experienced in providing resume writing services for nurses to make the lives easier of these hardworking heroes who work day and night to help others.

Our team understands that each of our clients are different with dynamic goals requiring a professional resume, CV or optimized LinkedIn profile to get noticed and land interviews.


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